LATIN AMERICAN F   R   I   E   N   D   S  Latin American Friends is a all volunteer organization. It’s primaryfunction is to encourage health, education and community development.
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PO Box 229 Cameron, MO 64429
When we met Saira Aguilar Giron the first time, we knew she was special. She had finished an auxiliary nurse program in San Pedro Sula, 3 hours from her home. She is a wife and at that time and had 4 boys elementary thru high school. She stopped her nursing studies to treat and eventually heal her husband’s paraplegic aunt’s large decubitus ulcer. A visiting physician, Dr. Luke Beno, taught her wet-to-dry dressings and petroleum gauze. Within months the wound was healed. As part of her nursing studies, she mapped and visited every house in her village. She obtained data on health issues and special needs. Later she would access $2000 of government funding for each family with a Down ’s syndrome child. After graduation from her program she enrolled in University to become a Professional Nurse. She worked in the local government clinic and declined tuition assistance from the USA choosing to pay her own way. She opened her home for patient visits in the evenings and weekends when available. Saira needed more space in her home to see patients. Community of Christ Health Ministries Association (HMA) raised funds to expand her house with an extra room. People would cross the mountain to be treated, especially those with vascular and diabetic ulcers. November 2016 Saira graduated as a Professional Nurse from University. January 2017 she began employment with HMA as a contractual employee. She expanded to four additional villages in the remote areas of her municipality (county) in addition to continuing to serve her village. She knows many of her patient’s so well that she can recite their medical history from memory. Saira met with each of the four communities and their leadership before any monthly clinics were held. She has visited each family in the village and obtained data about health issues and concerns. She has formed health committees and is offering first aid and other training based upon this feedback. Prioritizing and addressing larger public health issues will be next steps. As part of her employment, Saira provides nursing care at La Buena Fe Campgrounds for scheduled church camps and events. Again, people have responded to her compassionate care and come early for consultations and examinations by Saira. This program is centered upon Saira and what she and the communities need for better health and wellness. Salary funding comes from the USA but she does receive a small amount of money from consultations and patient donations. January 2018 a 4X4 truck was purchased so she could travel to all the villages in all road conditions (literally driving thru rivers). Monthly she provides a report of patients seen, medicines dispensed, and money collected. We especially enjoy the photos of her activities.

Honduras Rural Healthcare and the

Nurse Coordinator



Medical teams come from the USA to assist Saira in her work with the villages. There are learning opportunities for Saira to gain new skills and knowledge but she, also, is able to teach the healthcare providers about medicine in a developing country. Continually her knowledge and skills impress those who work with her.